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how to introduce a puppy to older dog

How to Introduce a Puppy to Your Older Dog

Humans are the most receptive creations because of their openness to all other creatures. Dogs have for some time become indispensable creatures to humans and have always tallied along with them. The greatest difference between them and humans is their inability to accept new challenges and though this is common among other animals, dogs seem to have the upper hand.

Most people are fond of dogs and there are times when they have inkling to bring in puppies to their homes. At such times, dog lovers often develop feet of clay; wondering the best way to bring in the new pet without an ugly incident rearing up between the puppy and the family. You shouldn’t be taken aback by the unimagined scenario that would play out before your eyes if adequate measures are not adopted in the introduction and integration of a new puppy.

Though people regard puppies as bundles of love that must be within the confines of a home with all facilities provisioned to assure their comfort, most adult dogs such as the one you might have in your home have contrary views. Introducing a puppy to your older dog is one of the trickiest tasks and you have to make their first meeting monumental with positive undertones. Here’s how to introduce a puppy to your older dog.

Ahead of the Introduction

It is your primary duty as the dog owner to take certain precautions in your puppy introduction to avoid negative incidents. Thinking few steps ahead with anticipation of likely troubles will help you adopt preventive measures that would reduce hitches experienced in conventional puppy-to-dog introductions.The behavioral adaptations of your older dog over the years are of importance as this helps you watch out for signs that could impede the introduction. The watchword here is prevention and you’re expected to take into account your older dog’s earlier characteristics and body language because this will help you figure out the best time to strike the connection between your new puppy and your older dog.

Here’s what to do

Puppy introduction in a home already dominated by an adult dog is tricky and security must be paramount to facilitate smooth connection between the two pets at first sight. If you’re wondering how to go about the pre-introduction stage, here are some of the steps you have to take.

Up-to-Date Vaccination

You might not wish for this but there are tendencies that your new puppy might get into a fight with your older dog at first sight. The puppy is a new member of your home and obviously had not been in the picture. Your older dog might take offence with the presence and spoil for a fight to secure his territory (your home) because he might feel his position threatened with the presence of the puppy. Up-to-date vaccination for your older dog will go the extra mile in keeping your puppy away from diseases that might be transmitted in the course of the squabble.

Neutral Meet and Greet Territory

Your home is your older dog’s territory and should be avoided when your puppy is to meet the dog. Though meet and greets can be struck here, chances are high that squabbles might crop up if your older dog is not at home with the puppy. A neutral territory (probably outside the confines of your dog’s home) will be just fine for initial introductions.

Create Spaces

The period of introduction is to be guarded jealously and you should give each dog as much space as their behavior requires. Their foods and drinks should be separated and hence, separate food dishes should be purchased to serve that purpose. If you don’t want your home to become boxing ring of sorts for your older dog and new puppy, you have to give each dog his corner and create spaces to keep them apart when they are not under supervision.

Remove all Toys

Your older dog must have some chew toys. These should be removed at the earliest time as they can figure out as willing tools in the hands of your older dog in the event of a fight. These toys also have to be away so the puppy doesn’t get to see them and attempt playing with them which might bull your older dog into a fight.

Howdy Crate must be Handy

As much as you want to keep away your puppy from your older dog at the initial stage, you have to get both into contact once in a while. Howdy crate herein entails enclosing both dogs in separate crates and from the walls of their crates; they can get to be in the know of each other’s sounds and pup scents. This is a great way of introducing your new puppy to your older dog with necessarily creating room for a showdown.

Guided Walks

Sequel to howdy crating is parallel walking as devised means to initiate meet and greet between your older dog and the in-coming puppy. During the walk, both dogs are leashed and are placed under supervised walking. Your puppy can take the lead with the walker leading the way and your older dog staging behind.

This scenario creates room for mental imagination on your older dog and it might start figuring out the idea behind the walk and might culminate in friendly disposal to your puppy. The walk together allows both dogs see often and get to know each other’s physical dispositions. The walk helps reduce tensed feelings they might have had and further establishes familiarity between them.

During the walk, positions can be swapped at intervals with your older dog taking the lead this time and the puppy coming behind. After some time, they should be placed at adjacent positions and separated by only a few feet.

When Foes Become Allies

Discordant tunes are imminent because your new puppy and older dog are literary from different worlds and same way the puppy wouldn’t want to be attacked on a first visit, your older dog sis set for a showdown to protect its territory.

Behaviorists are of the opinion that religious applications of some of these steps would record defining moments in your puppy’s integration into your home. Though these steps would keep them away from premeditated fights initiated by your older dog, eyes should be kept on the older dog and his behavioral patterns placed under close scrutiny.

Body languages such as teeth display, growling and prolonged stares in the direction of the puppy shouldn’t be taken for granted. Such are signs that your older dog might be spoiling for a showdown.

Forestalling this demands you separate their food dishes and don’t force their closeness on them; that would happen naturally. You are rather to place them under supervised plays and at due time, strike an introduction in a neutral environment (it might be in a friend’s place).


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